The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary

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In Ontario's 2023 Sunshine List, there were 808 employees with similar job titles who received an average salary of $104,853.54


Average Salary in 2023


Median Salary in 2023

808 employees (Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary)
1 808
Low: $100K Median: $103K High: $154K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

762 employees received a salary between $100,113 - $113,568
34 employees received a salary between $113,568 - $127,023
10 employees received a salary between $127,023 - $140,478
2 employees received a salary between $140,478 - $153,933

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the first quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary listed in the 2023 Ontario Government Sunshine List?

The 2023 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary are $104,853.54 and $103,083.41, respectively.

What is the highest salary for a Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary in a public organization in Ontario?

In 2023, Keway So, holding the position of Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary at the Toronto District School Board received the highest salary of $153,933.64 among similar positions in Ontario public organizations.

What are the top 5 public organizations in Ontario that offer the highest salaries for Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary?

In the year 2023, the highest-paying organizations for Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary and similar positions in the Ontario were as follows: Toronto District School Board with an average pay of $104,853.55.

A total of 1 organization had employees who held comparable positions as mentioned in the Ontario Sunshine list.

What are the top 3 public sectors in Ontario that offer the highest salaries for Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary?

In the year 2023, the highest-paying sector or industries for Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary and similar positions in the Ontario were as follows: School Boards with an average pay of $104,853.55.

There were 1 sector where employees held similar positions, as indicated in the Ontario Sunshine list.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary in Ontario?

The 2023 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Assistant Curriculum Leader, Secondary is 41.30% male and 58.70% female, respectively.

Yearly Average Paid

Year Total Employee Count Average Paid